
After the success of Bill & Ted, Winter and his directing partner Tom Stern were able to sell a series to MTV. One of the first live action shows ever on the network. Super violent and politically incorrect, The Idiot Box was a huge hit for MTV. Stern and Winter played most of the characters in the show as well as sharing writing and directing duties.

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Idiot Box Announcements

The Coop dug up his Eddie the Gimp illustrations

| The Idiot Box | No Comments
Eddie the Gimp illustrations, Circa 1991. These were the best. I believe the intention was to make t-shirts. But shortly after, Tom, Tim and I moved on to the Big Screen, and the wild and woolly ride that was Freaked. Hopefully we can wrangle Coop to do some contemporary art for the relaunch. More Coop genius visible here...

The Idiot Box is back!

| The Idiot Box | 9 Comments
The Idiot Box relaunch is off and running. Original Idiots, Tom Stern, Tim Burns and myself, are now writing the pilot script for MTV's broadband division. Jump-starting this on the net will give us the freedom to throw all the dirty spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. Very exciting. And yes, The Gimp will fly again! Watch this space for developments... -AW


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