Live-Action 'Blue Beetle' Test Footage Hits The 'Net: “The clip is directed by Alex Winter... who's also directed several live-action "Ben 10" movies for Cartoon Network, as well as various other films. It debuted on Bleeding Cool, which indicated that the footage was made "under tight constraints and with minimal resources." The version of Blue Beetle that appears in the footage is the one designed by "Red" co-creator Cully Hamner. There's no word on whether we'll actually see the series at some point (or where it could end up), but there's also no denying how cool it looks, right? Keep your fingers crossed, people.”
“We got the chance to chat with Winter about directing the Ben 10 films including the newest, Alien Swarm. We spoke about his recent passion for directing kid’s projects, and even where Bill & Ted could be headed in the future.”
Tap here to watch the 4.5 minute ComicCon interview with Alex Winter.