Full short film.

Shortly after Donald Trump’s inauguration, Winter slipped into Trump Tower in NYC and made this short film that explores the tense and surreal atmosphere in Trump’s Lobby.

Commissioned by Field of Vision, the documentary unit created by Laura Poitras, AJ Schnack and Charlotte Cook.

Official Site & Reviews

Short Film Announcements

Trump Inauguration short

| Trump’s Lobby | No Comments
In (dis) honor of Donald Trump's inauguration, I slipped into Trump Tower in NYC and made this short film that explores the tense and surreal atmosphere in Trump’s Lobby. Commissioned by Field of Vision, the documentary unit created by Laura Poitras, AJ Schnack and Charlotte Cook.

Wired story on Barrett Brown and my film

| Relatively Free | No Comments
Really nice interview  in Wired Magazine with Barrett Brown about his release from prison and the short film I made. By Andy Greenberg, who worked on Deep Web.

A short film about Barrett Brown

| Relatively Free | No Comments
I directed this short about journalist and activist Barret Brown being released from prison after four years. The piece was commissioned by Field of Vision, the documentary unit created by Laura Poitras, AJ Schnack and Charlotte Cook. It was an honor to work with these brilliant people and to have the access to Barrett and his family.

Our new Quantum short is another hit!

| Quantum Chess | No Comments
Just released our follow up to Anyone Can Quantum with this fun piece with the amazing Zoe Saldana, backed up by the amazing John Cho and Simon Pegg. With Paul Rudd, Keanu and Dr. Stephen Hawking returning! We all had a blast, and more can be seen in this behind the scenes clip.

Short Films

Trump’s Lobby

Relatively Free

Anyone Can Quantum


Squeal of Death


Kaya Scodelarion and Josh Gad


The YouTube Effect


Showbiz Kids

The Panama Papers

Trust Machine

Deep Web


